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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hair terminology

Hair terminology can be confusing. Unless we’re complete experts, I’ve noted people using different things for the same things,and it can be confusing. This is what I use to define my stuff:


shaved head – hair clippered to as close as humanly possible (well machine possible) without using a razor


bald – see the above, except include lathering the head up and taking a razor to it, taking all hair off


buzzcut – a haircut with clippers cut 1/8th of an inch or longer, but still remaining a short, cropped hair all over


crewcut – see above, but using a combination of two or more guards (not the same length all over)


what do you use? i know it can be confusing, and some of you might harp on me for specificity… but unless someone is really messing up definitions (like saying a 1/2 inch all over buzzcut is “bald”) you can’t really complain about problems with definitions – we all have our take


Anonymous said...


Love your site.

My definitions are a little different from yours. To me, a head isn't shaved unless it's had a close encounter with lather and a razor blade in the last day or so. "Clipper shaved" to me is hair cut as close as the clippers will go. I think of a buzzcut as head stubble. If the hair is too long to shave without re-buzzing, then that's a close crew cut. I imagine my definitions are a little strict for some people, but that's what I use. Keep up the great work!